🔥 Shop for ₹4,999 or above and enjoy 10% off
100% Whole-wheat flour-based tea cakes
infused with the goodness of fresh banana ripped and crunchy walnuts.
Ingredients - Whole Wheat Flour, Banana, Jaggery, Mix Spice, Baking Agent
(Aluminium free), Vanilla, Butter, Oil, Walnut & Salt
Ambient Shelf life - 4-5 days, In Fridge 30days
✓Lactose-Free ✓Natural Sweetener ✓Gut-Friendly ✓No Preservatives ✓No Artificial flavour
123 John Doe Street
Your Town, YT 12345
Store Hours
Sun: Closed
Mon-Fri: 9:00 - 17:00
Sat: 10:00 - 13:00
What to expect at pickup
Closing at 5pm
Closing at 5pm
Closing at 5pm
Closing at 5pm
Closing at 5pm
Closing at 1pm