Shatavari Powder
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Product description
ORGANIC WELLNESS Shatavari A+ Powder – Women’s Health
(Natural estrogens)- Shatavari is the herb that is traditionally taken to
support well-being through all phases of a woman life cycle. Shatavari provides
natural and organic plant based estrogens that support women’s health needs
from adolescence throughout her life. Shatavari is also a natural diuretic that
helps relieve fluid retention and Supports the health needs of the feminine
life cycle from adolescence to post menopause
in normalizing the hormonal imbalances occur in girls due to stress or other
boost milk production in lactating mothers, who are facing problem during
along with WomenTone capsules helps in normalizing the menstruation cycle in
PCOD patients
is quite useful during pre-menopausal stage as well as post-menopausal stage
in controlling symptoms during menopause i.e. irritation, mood swing, hot
flashes, insomnia, depression