
Exotic Salad Mix (Hydroponically Grown)


Description: Our Exotic Salad Mix is carefully crafted to provide a hearty blend of nutritious ingredients, perfect for a balanced diet. This mix includes a combination of Rocket Leaves, Curly Green Lettuce, Kale, Candy Tomatoes, and Microgreens. Each component is hydroponically grown with precision to ensure superior quality, freshness, and flavorNutritional Benefits:

  • Rich in vitamins A, C, and K: Supports immune function, skin health, and bone strength.
  • High in antioxidants: Protects cells from damage and promotes overall health.
  • Good source of dietary fiber: Aids in digestion and supports a healthy gut.
  • Contains essential minerals: Such as calcium, potassium, and iron, supporting overall wellness.
  • Low in calories: Ideal for weight management and balanced diets.

Usage Ideas:

  • Create a nutrient-packed salad by tossing the Exotic Salad Mix with a light vinaigrette or citrus dressing.
  • Serve as a main dish by adding protein such as grilled chicken, shrimp, or tofu.
  • Use as a filling for wraps or sandwiches for a fresh and satisfying meal option.

This box consists of hearty ingredients for the perfect nutritional value. A mix of Rocket Leaves, Curly Green Lettuce, Kale, Candy Tomatoes, and Microgreens for your balanced diet.

MRP Rs. 199 MRP Rs. 249you save MRP Rs. 50
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