Burman Farms

Hydroponic Green Locarno Lettuce


Description: Our Hydroponic Green Locarno Lettuce is grown in a controlled, soilless environment to ensure superior quality and freshness. This method of cultivation allows for optimal nutrient absorption, resulting in tender, crisp leaves with a mild, slightly sweet flavor. Free from pesticides, our Hydroponic Green Locarno Lettuce is fresh, flavorful, and perfect for your salads and other culinary creations.

Nutritional Benefits:

  • Rich in vitamins A and K, supporting immune function, skin health, and bone strength
  • Contains antioxidants, promoting overall health and protecting against cellular damage
  • Provides dietary fiber, promoting digestive health and aiding in weight management
  • Contains folate and iron, supporting blood health and energy levels
  • Low in calories and fat, making it a nutritious addition to various dishes

Usage Ideas:

  • Use Green Locarno Lettuce leaves as a base for fresh salads, paired with your favorite dressing and toppings.
  • Add Green Locarno Lettuce to sandwiches and wraps for added freshness and crunch.
  • Use Green Locarno Lettuce leaves as a bed for grilled fish or meat for an elegant presentation.



MRP Rs. 80
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